
School Health

At Wycliffe, we are committed to prioritising strong community health in partnership with families. We aim to minimise interruptions to learning caused by illness, while caring for the safety of our students, families and staff. In general, a child should not come to school if they are sick. 

We are committed to maintaining a proactive approach to health and safety. Hand sanitiser is provided at the office and in classrooms. Students are regularly reminded of best hygiene practices, including regular hand washing and coughing or sneezing into the elbow. Hygiene posters are displayed throughout the school, and proper ventilation is ensured for all indoor spaces. Additionally, staff are regularly updated on current health guidelines.

The school will contact parents if an outbreak of any notifiable illness is known to have occurred amongst students.

Gastroenteritis (gastro)

Gastroenteritis is a common infection that typically causes vomiting and diarrhoea. Key steps for managing gastroenteritis include thorough hand-washing, drinking lots of water, and regular cleaning of surfaces.

Students with gastroenteritis are asked to stay home from school until they are free of symptoms for 24 hours.

Click here for key information about gastroenteritis.


Typical symptoms of Covid-19 include a runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever.

If a student has symptoms of Covid-19 while at school, their parents will be contacted and arrangements made for them to leave the school grounds. Covid-19 is extremely infectious and it is vital that students do not spread it by coming to school while they are symptomatic.

for key information about Covid-19.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

RSV symptoms present similar to Covid-19, with cold or flu-like symptoms. RSV mostly affects young children and is highly infectious.

Click here for key information about RSV.

Frequently asked questions

What do I do if my child is sick?

If a child is sick, we request that they stay home from school until they are well. This ensures their own safety and that they don’t infect others. Children with cold and flu symptoms should not come to school as this may be an indicator of Covid-19 or RSV.

Student absences can be logged on the Sentral for Parents app or the Sentral Parent Portal.

What do I do if my child tests positive for Covid-19?

If your child tests positive for Covid-19, please keep them home until they are symptom-free.  Please also contact the school office at reception@wycliffe.nsw.edu.au to let us know.